
 Mag'oki Attori Mosque is an architectural monument in Bukhara ( 10th - 16th centuries ). It is called Magoki Attori Mosque due to its location in Magok (deep) and near the attor market. It was rebuilt in the 12th century on the site of the old 4 - pillar Moh mosque (9th century) based on the old project (discovered in 1934 as a result of archaeological research).  It was repaired in the 14th century, and the upper part of the facade was damaged in the 15th century. During the period of Abdulaziz Khan (1541-1542), the upper part of the building and its domes were rebuilt.  Mosque its layout (13.35x17.6 meters) has a simple solution, inside there are 6 columns, 12 domes, the middle dome is higher, and light enters the building through the windows on its base. The decoration of the Mag'oki Attori mosque occupies a special place in the history of Uzbekistan's architecture as a high example of the 12th century Bukhara school of architecture.
 Practice day 4  Date: 26.01.2023 We went to the ''Boboyi Porado'z'' mosque. Boboyi Poradoz was born in Bukhara in 842 and died in 925. He lived 83 years. Sources say "Shavqi Baba's original name is Poradoz . " The reason for this is said to be that he lived with the love of God. That's why they called the sharif family " Baboyi Shavqi ". Also, the Char Bakrs of Bukhara, namely Abu Bakr Sa'd , Abu Bakr Fazl , Abu Bakr Tarkhan , Abu Bakr Hamid , and Abu Jafar Hinduwani , who is considered a well-known mujtahid (regulator of religious rules), were students of Babayi Poradoz. Boboyi Poradoz was considered the pir of tailors, shoemakers, mahsidoz and other professions. The mausoleum of Babayi Poradoz is located outside the Sallakhana gate of Bukhara city . Bukhara is one of the shrines.
 Practice day 5 Date: 27.01.2023 We went to ''Said Bandi Kusho'' mosque which is located on Khorezm Street in Bukhara was named after Hazrat Said Abulhasan was buried in the cemetery near the gate of Samarkand. But twenty years later, his body was removed from the cemetery and reburied in the courtyard of Degrezi Guzar in Bukhara. The reason for doing this is that one of Hazrat's murids came in a dream and said to bury me in the yard inside the city.  This is also a blessing. Because the cemetery near the gate of Samarkand was razed to the ground during the time of the former Union. As it is inside the courtyard, Hazrat Said Abulhasan's tombs are not damaged by the damage. The graves of Hazrat Said Abulhasan are located in a courtyard on Khorezm Street in Bukhara. The mosque next to his graves is the "Said po Band Kusho" mosque, named after the famous person whose history was mentioned above. With the grace of our time, the mosque has been transformed
Turki Jandi Boltayeva Durdona  The knowledgeable and friendly caretaker is pleased to show visitors around. Tajik or Russian are preferred here, so unless you bring a guide with you, be prepared to practice your language skills. The guided tour will take you deep into the main tomb chamber, past the small mosque, where photos are fine as long as you ask permission. The complex is ancient, dating from the 10th century, and survived the destruction unleashed by Genghis Khan. The mysterious Turki Jandi is buried in the main mausoleum chamber accessed through a tiny portal and into a marble faced room located under the taller central dome. The condition of the mausoleum is what you might expect if things are left to their own devices for hundreds of years without interference from preservation authorities. No effort has been taken preserve any sense of authenticity, because authenticity isn’t what concerns the caretaker. This is a pilgrimage site for the faithful, not a Kodak moment
Practice day 7. Toqi Sarrafon Boltayeva Durdona  Date: 30.01.2023 We went to Toqi Sarrafon which is trade dome of the money changers. We learned the history of this building with our teacher Aziza Abdullayevna.  The Toki Sarrofon is one of the famous Bukhara retail areas, built in the 16th century. During the reign of the Sheibanids, the ancient religious city of Bukhara acquires the status of the capital and is replenished with numerous trading floors, bazaars and shops, becoming the main center of trade. So, the most known trading platform combined some specialized market stalls, covered by the big domes. One of them is the "Toki" (arch), Sarrophon, named after the local "money changers", which were known as "sarrafs". In this part of the bazaar they changed money and carried out various usurious operations. Once upon a time, this place was famous for the currency exchange, which collected numerous visiting merchants from different countries. Also there
 Practice day 9.  Toqi Telpakfurushon  Boltayeva Durdona  Date: 01.02.2023. We went to ''Toqi Telpakfurushon'' trading dome and learned more about it. Toqi Telpskfurushon is another 16th century covered market, where the trade was actively conducted. Toqi Telpakfurushon literally means '' a dome of hats and headdresses''. This meaning show that the main objects of sale were the deaddress, turbans and hats.  TelpakFurushon is the architectural monument in Bukhara. A dome building for preparation and sale of hats. According to waqf documents, 5 placed in the intersection of 5 airlines. The building is called Chechnokki Ahanin, names such as the mountain Bearfriend, lly, Muhammad Zon. The main dome is set on top of the 6-sided wall, the entrance - the streets, and the introduction of the streets is covered with small dome. The dome is 38 m, a hall cut 10 m, street width 28 m, street width, 14 m. In the past, the covers were stores of Coverzhair Masters unde
   Toqi Telpakfurushon.   Today we have gone to the Toqi Telpakfurushon with our teacher and friends.  The Toqi Telpak Furushon is a bazaar located in Bukhara, which forms part of its historic centre. Toqi Telpak Furushon is located about 300 meters south of Toqi Zargaron, at a point where five streets meet. About 10 meters to the west and south is the Magok-i-Kurpa Mosque.  The Toqi Telpak Furushon was built between 1570 and 1571.[2] Books were originally offered there, which is why the bazaar was also called Toqi Kitob. Gradually, the bookstalls were replaced by workshops and shops of the hat sellers. Turbans, fur hats and small caps embroidered with gold and silk thread or glass beads were made there and offered for sale. Although these goods can still be found there, carpets, jewellery, knives, musical instruments and other travel souvenirs are also sold. The Toki Telpak Furushon is another 16th-century covered market, where the trade was actively conducted. Toki Telpak Furushon li