
Сообщения за январь, 2023
   Toqi Telpakfurushon.   Today we have gone to the Toqi Telpakfurushon with our teacher and friends.  The Toqi Telpak Furushon is a bazaar located in Bukhara, which forms part of its historic centre. Toqi Telpak Furushon is located about 300 meters south of Toqi Zargaron, at a point where five streets meet. About 10 meters to the west and south is the Magok-i-Kurpa Mosque.  The Toqi Telpak Furushon was built between 1570 and 1571.[2] Books were originally offered there, which is why the bazaar was also called Toqi Kitob. Gradually, the bookstalls were replaced by workshops and shops of the hat sellers. Turbans, fur hats and small caps embroidered with gold and silk thread or glass beads were made there and offered for sale. Although these goods can still be found there, carpets, jewellery, knives, musical instruments and other travel souvenirs are also sold. The Toki Telpak Furushon is another 16th-century covered market, where the trade was actively conducted. Toki Telpak Furushon li
    Toqqi Zargaron  Toqqi Zargaron trade complex. The Tak-i Zargaron is a multiple dome-covered market located at the intersection of the primary east-west and north-south streets of Bukhara's center city (Shahristan). The largest and best preserved of Bukhara's once numerous crossroad markets (chorsu), its name translates to "The Dome of Jewelers or Goldsmiths", which conflicts with its traditional function as a textile market. Although no single patron or inaugural date is recorded, passages in Arab historian Zain- ud Din Wofisi's (1485-1551) 'Badaye' al-Vaqaye' suggest an early sixteenth century date under Timurid instead of the popularly believed Shaybanid patronage. Domed crossroad markets were popularly called "Taks" (arch) referring to their characteristic vaulted shell structures. The pivotal role of "tak"s in sustaining Bukhara's eminence among Silk Road cities was reflected in their central location within the city. Or
  I Toqqi Sarrafon  Today we have gone to the Toqqi Sarrafon trade complex.  The shroffs (money-changers) effected their usurious and currency transactions under the shadow of Taq-i sarrafon. The baths of the sarrafon, next door with the trading dome, an indispensable item of an urban public center, were sited next to the passage. Exceptional importance was attached to the medicinal and hygienic properties of baths. As Ibn Sina in his "Canon of Medical Science" has described, good baths must have a firm building, moderate temperature, bright light, pure air, roomy and attractively painted dressing-room and pleasant water. There are  a lot of shops there, which all of the handmade things are sold  We have seen all handmade thing and enjoy their design
          27.01.23. Our forth practice day. Boboyi Porado'z. Today, we go to the Boboyi Porado'z with our teacher and coursemates. It is located the background of the "Grant Hotel".It is very beautiful and historical. It's founder's real name is Hazrat Boboyi Poradoʻz (Boboyi Shavqi; Shayx Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Askof). He was born in 842 in Bukhara and died in 925 Some people called him " Boboyi Shavqi" For Bakr of Bukhara who is  Abu Bakr Saʼd, Abu Bakr Fazl, Abu Bakr Tarxon, Abu Bakr Homid. We learn about its history and gain knowledge about Boboyi Porado'z.  There is an old worker of this building and he know about information about Boboyi Porado'z. Also he said everything about it.
       Second day.        24.01.2023.       Chor Minor madrasah   Today, our teacher says that we should go to the Chor Minor. Today is the second day of our practice which is becoming interesting for us. Every day we are axploring historical and ancient monuments that we don't know about. Speaking of the Bukhara’s unusual monuments, first of all, we should tell about the Chor-Minor madrasah. It is located right behind Lyabi-Khauz, in the open space. “Chor–Minor” is translated as “four minarets”. This name is well justified: the corners of the square-rectangular madrasah building are really decorated with four small minarets crowned with blue domes, different in decors from each other. Each of the four minarets is of a different shape. The towers’ décor elements are believed to reflect the religious-philosophical understanding of the world’s four religions. At least, it is easy to see that some elements look like a cross, a Christian fish, and the Buddhist prayer wheel. In front of

Turki Jandi

                           Turki Jandi  In our first day of our practice, we went to the Turki Jandi " mausoleum. It is located the north side of Bukhara center. We went there from 68- bus. When we went, the weather was very terrible cold. This place is very beautiful and historical. A lot of people come there for praying and enjoying architecture.  You can see the great architecture from this photo which is belong Turki Jandi. The real name of  the Turki Jandi Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn al-Fazl Muso al Jandiy. And in this place, there are grave of Turki Jandi Also there are well for water . This unrestored mausoleum lies just south of the city's main tourist zone, on the east side of Nomozgokh Street which leads eventually to the Namazgah Mosque. The exact age of the structure is uncertain, but Badr and Tupev note that unpublished excavation reports from 1971-72 suggest the current edifice was constructed in the mid-16th century, with evidence of three other building periods, two ear